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Getting Started

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Before you continue, make sure you have:

 1.  A text editor to make changes to the "config.php" file. (Wordpad or Notepad will work).

 2.  A web server or hosted account with PHP and MySQL support.

 3.  An FTP program to upload the files and directories. (WSFTP or CuteFTP)

 4.  A web browser to run the installation.

Also make sure you know or have access to the following:

 1.  Your website FTP username and password.

 2.  Your MySQL hostname, username, password and database name.


Login to your Turnkey Web Tools account at Once logged in, select the format and version you would like to download. We always recommend that you download the latest version available.

Two formats are available for download, tar.gz (tar) and zip. If you are downloading to a Windows machine, select the zip format. After download you can either upload to your server or place locally if you are installing locally. Unix/Linux users should download the tar.gz format for extraction on the machine itself.

Choosing Your Distribution:

Because SunShop uses encryption on a few key files you will also need to choose which distribution best suites your needs. You can choose between the following 3 versions "Zend", "SGuardian" & "Ioncube". Please see the install guide below to determine which version you will need.

Quick Install Guide:


After download you should unpack the software. If on Windows, you may use WinZip, WinRar or any other extraction software. If on a Unix/Linux based machine simply run the command "tar -zxvf sunshop_x_x_xxxxx.tar.gz".